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Under review

Support Channels for YouTube as well as Playlists

martinbeeby 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 0

We currently only support playlists. Vote this up if you would like us to support channels too.


It would be useful for Tweets to include date/time

Tim Brassey 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 0

It's hard to tell what Tweets you are viewing and how old they are without seeing date/time (put it in bottom left corner?)

martinbeeby 11 years ago

I have added this to our feature request list.

Under review

URLs within displayed Tweets are not hyperlinked

Tim Brassey 12 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 2

It would be great to be able to tap/click on URLs within displayed Tweets

martinbeeby 11 years ago

Ah they probably should be. I will look into supporting this soon. Probably be next week before I fix


download failed - no reason given

Rex Wickham 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 2

I've built a quick app using RSS, Facebook and a static article.


When I try to download I get an error "Error - an error occurred when processing your request"

martinbeeby 11 years ago

This is now fixed with the code that was added this morning... You should no longer recive download errors. If you do, please use the RSS and Facebook preview buttons to make sure there are no issues with the URLs you provided.

Under review

Standard Template looks much more professional! Need to be able to change background image

Tim Brassey 12 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 0

The new standard template gives a much better result than the old one.  Need UI in ZipApp to change background image.

martinbeeby 11 years ago

We had added this as a feature request.


Order in ZipApp is not the order in the final App

Tim Brassey 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 3

The Group order in ZipApp is not reflected in the final App.  For example I have 11 Youtube playlists and a Twitter feed as the last group, but within the App the Twitter feed in displayed between YouTube playlists

martinbeeby 11 years ago

Rezwan has correctly debugged. I have added this to our bug list.


preview while working must be added

Varad Gunjkar 10 years ago 0

This App is brilliant!

Tim Brassey 12 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 0

The Praise section was a bit empty!

martinbeeby 11 years ago

Thanks Tim


live tile

Simon May 12 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 0

How about the ability to take a feed and use it to populate a live tile?

martinbeeby 11 years ago

Added this to our backlog. Thanks for submitting


Error While Downloading Windows Store App

Feat Apps™ 11 years ago 0

I'm not able to Download Windows Store App.. It gives an Error Message.