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Day Day Up returns with the challenging endless mode and a creation system !

Sugar Cane 9 years ago 0

Dear editor,

I am Selina from SC Mobile. It is a company engaged in mobile game publishing, promotion and localization.

The reason I wrote to you is that I would like to recommend you an adventure/action game of ours called ‘Day Day Up’ for Windows Phone. It tells a story about a group of alien investigators who visit the Earth in search of valuable sea creatures to take back to their planet — Bubble Star. Players touch to move Bubble aliens to avoid dangerous creatures such as sea urchins as well as to collect starfishes. By finishing each level with no less than 2 stars, players would unlock different kinds of fishes as a reward .Sometimes it would be some interesting items show up instead of fish.

They could turn those stuffs into DNA code and change for fishes they want in a fleas market to expand the collection.

The game has been located in the top 100 of Windows Phone store for more than 4 month.

The latest update added an endless mode attached with a leaderboard for players to challenge online and keep refreshing their best records. There’s also a creation system for players to mix and match different elements for new stuffs .As summer time is approaching, we also redesigned the UI.

Here’s the update info:


-Endless mode and leaderboards

-Creation system: Combine different creatures and rubbish to create entirely new species.

- Creatures Explosion! More than 160 kinds of new creature for you to explore.

-New levels available! 60 levels here for you!

-New knapsack system

-Bugs fixed

-Optimized the UI massively, enjoy your cool summer days in the game.

And WP store link of Day Day Up:


We also have a few pieces of videos about the game:


Hope you will like the game. If you have any further interest and questions, please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Thanks & Best Regards,

SC Mobile


ZipApp template with Twitter feed - no UI to get back from a specific Twiiter post

Tim Brassey 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 1

If you create an App that is a Twitter feed, you can navigate in and out of Groups, but if you go into a single article there is no UI to get back to the list of groups

martinbeeby 11 years ago

I think the button is there.. It's just a very light colour and merges in with the background. I will fix this of the Windows 8 app.


Not clear what YouTube username to use

Tim Brassey 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 2

Image 2

I believe from screenshot above that I have a playlist....

I get an error in the Username box if I enter any of the following as my username in ZipApp

Tim Brassey


Do I need a username without a space in it??  I used to have just timbrass but the Google+ upgrade pushes you to use a real name....

martinbeeby 11 years ago

If you have changed you Youtube account to use you real name than it's not always easy to find your username... However if you go to this page once you are logged in: https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced it should be listed at the top.


There is no Forgotton password link on the login page

Martin Beeby 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 0

You are currently unable to reset your password.


Certification Fail: Performance Suspend

Diarmuid Murphy 11 years ago 0

My Zipapp contains five sections, four of them are Youtube playlists and the fifth is a twitter page.

It passes every app certification test except the “Performance suspend” test.

The error is

App Suspend Time: 5.004 Seconds. Suspend times more than 2.0 Seconds will fail on low end systems

Information only:

CPU Utilization: 0.03%

File I/O: 0 MB


(1) CPU utilization of higher than 50% will significantly degrade launch performance

(2) File I/O higher than 20 MB will significantly degrade launch performance

Any suggestion on how to pass this test?

I don’t know enough code to do performance optimisation suggested in other forums.

On a separate note pressing the Back button while playing a youtube video in my Windows Phone version causes the app to hang on a loading… screen indefinitely. Any tips?




mengapa saya memilih rexco dibandingkan merk lain

Bro Youtube 9 years ago 0

mengapa saya memilih rexco dibandingkan merk lain REXCO merupakan sebuah pelumas atau cairan “Ajaib” Anti Karat yang sanggup membersihkan segala macam kotoran dan karat yang membandel yang sejauh ini sulit buat anda bersihkan. Bisa Jadi dikala itu anda belum terpikirkan solusi apa yang cocok untuk membersihkan noda dan karat tersebut. Tapi kala ini lantaran anda sudah membaca artikel ini masalah anda bakal cepat teratasi. Apa solusinya? Solusinya yakni REXCO, kenapa REXCO? Lantaran dengan pelumas atau cairan spray ajaib ini dapat membersihkan kotoran dan karat seperti kepada Besi dan Almunium. terkecuali itu REXCO bisa membersihkan second aspal ataupun debu yang menempel dibawah mobil, hanya dengan menyemprotkannya dan diamkan beberapa menit gosok bersama kain, tidak usah terlalu ditekan dan kotoranpun akan hilang.

Terkadang kita tak jarang lupa bahwa setiap peralatan ataupun kendaraan yang tetap menerus digunakan bersama trik continue harus memperoleh pemeliharaan dgn trick rutin biar dapat tetap berfungsi dgn baik, terutama pada rantai motor ataupun sepeda yang berbahan dasar besi yang gampang berkarat dan sering menimbulkan suara berisik, selain itu anda mungkin sering mengalami pintu engsel anda berisik, kunci gembok terhambat, pintu pagar yang agak berat didorong. Nah sample perihal inilah yang tak jarang anda lupakan bahwa kurangnya perhatian anda terhadap perawatan perlatan ataupun kendaraan yang anda miliki.

Nah utk itu REXCO yaitu solusi terbaik untuk perawatan perlatan ataupun kendaraan anda, dgn formula yang bekerja lebih serta-merta, enteng dan efisien, cukup hanya dengan menyemprotkan Spray anti karat Rexco ini pada noda ataupun perlatan yang terkena masalah dan tidak usah menunggu terlalu lama cairan tersebut dapat mulai sejak bereaksi dengan segera dan peralatan anda dapat serentak bersih. Supaya akan membuktikan kata-kata aku simaklah salah satu video WD-40 vs REXCO 50.



App.config not found

Tim Brassey 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 2

Downloaded "Twitter" App and tried to run, but VS gives error saying "App.config" not found.


facebook pages does not work anymore

Hub Man 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2
Facebook pages seems not to work anymore. The problem is both in my app (publish some time ago) and when I try to create a new facebook section on the ZipApp website. :-(

It simple does not load any data (and section is just shown as a blank page in my app now). Could to be an issue with FB API.


Home page typo

Mark Clarke 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 1

 How to Download your app and Publish  Martch 26th, 2013

also - You can't posting more than 1 time in 20 seconds.

martinbeeby 11 years ago

The site has now been redesigned. The typo is gone.