
Twitter shows just one post

Kristina Rothe 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 2

I just added a twitter feed (user) to my app and on the Windows 8 app it only shows one tweet - on the phone app, however, it shows more. Any idea why?



This should now be fixed on the Windows 8 version.

Hi Kristina, unrelated but which version of VS are you using to open the windows phone project? it doesn't work in VS 2012

Kristina:- The phone application implements its own get method to update the twitter feed which is called on load and on refresh.  A few weeks ago I did a bit of testing with some twitter feeds in the store application.  I think the get method on the store application only gets tweets within a certain time frame.  If there haven't been many recent tweets the store application will not appear to show them. This may have changed.

Rezwan:- The windows 8 phone application was made to run in VS 2012. Have you downloaded the phone SDK? What version of  VS2012 and Windows 8 are you using?  The Phone emulator only runs on Windows 8 Pro or higher. 


This should now be fixed on the Windows 8 version.