
I do not see all my videos in the playlist, show up in the group

Rezwan Rahman 11 years ago updated by martinbeeby 11 years ago 2

I have about 89 videos in my youtube playlist which is defined within a group. However when I go to view the videos within my app, it only displays the first 25. Is there a place in the code where I can increase it? if so, where?





adding $max-results=50 will enable you to have more than 25 as Thomas suggests below. The API doesn't allow us to fetch anymore.

To be specific its the items detail page that is affected. I can only see the first 25 videos that are in my playlist. This seems to be a hard limit specified somewhere. If someone could clarify if this can be extended, please let me know.

You can show up to 50 Videos by adding "&max-results=50" to you feed URL. Unfortunately YouTube won't allow more items per playlist.


adding $max-results=50 will enable you to have more than 25 as Thomas suggests below. The API doesn't allow us to fetch anymore.