Certification Fail: Performance Suspend

Diarmuid Murphy 11 років тому 0

My Zipapp contains five sections, four of them are Youtube playlists and the fifth is a twitter page.

It passes every app certification test except the “Performance suspend” test.

The error is

App Suspend Time: 5.004 Seconds. Suspend times more than 2.0 Seconds will fail on low end systems

Information only:

CPU Utilization: 0.03%

File I/O: 0 MB


(1) CPU utilization of higher than 50% will significantly degrade launch performance

(2) File I/O higher than 20 MB will significantly degrade launch performance

Any suggestion on how to pass this test?

I don’t know enough code to do performance optimisation suggested in other forums.

On a separate note pressing the Back button while playing a youtube video in my Windows Phone version causes the app to hang on a loading… screen indefinitely. Any tips?

