Your comments

Skydrive is not image hosting for apps... When you link to the image it responds with a web interface. I guess that's why the app is failing. The solution is to not host your images on skydrive. You can upload them to zip app and host them from there. Right clicking them in the upload tool will give you the URL.

I think the button is there.. It's just a very light colour and merges in with the background. I will fix this of the Windows 8 app.

We have worked on this... But still haven't added it. We will look at this someday I promise.

If you have changed you Youtube account to use you real name than it's not always easy to find your username... However if you go to this page once you are logged in: it should be listed at the top.

Thanks for the suggestion, however at this time we don't plan on adding this to the site. If you need to transfer apps contact us and we can do it manually.

If the share point is accessible via the web then this will work. If however sharepoint is on an intranet it won't.