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To get an RSS feed for a particular Youtube user, you can use the Youtube API to generate a URL for ZipApp, following the below directions:

1. Go to

2. Under the 'Video Feeds' section on the left, select either Videos Query or Uploads Query, depending on what you want to get an RSS feed of (Uploads is all uploads by someone, videos is playlists)

3. In the table below, next to Projection, select Atom/RSS readers

4. In the table below that, next to Output Format, select RSS 2.0

5. If using Videos Query from step 2:

         Next to Author name, specify a username you want to pull the videos from (e.g. AstonMartin)

   If using Uploads Query from step 2:

         Next to User ID, specify a username you want to pull the videos from (e.g. AstonMartin)

6. Once you've filled in all the data, at the bottom you will see a 'Resulting URI' - if you copy-paste this into a new tab, you will see the RSS feed for the videos you requested.


Of course, you can configure all the options using other boxes in the API to get a more specific set of results (e.g. a certain playlist, etc.) and the resulting URI should accommodate that!





Hi Justin,

Personally I have found ZipApp very useful for creating Modern Apps on the fly...  True you can integrate some static content with text and images, but by utilising the RSS/Youtube/Twitter aspects of ZipApp, you are able to create an app with dynamic tiles that load data as it becomes available via those services.


E.g. this could be used to create a simple blog reader, or in a more complex environment, even a dashboard to show notifications in a Modern Win8 App, if the system providing those notifications publishes them to an RSS feed.


Once you've finished crafting your app on the ZipApp online service (and forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know here!) you can download an entire Visual Studio project of the app in a ZIP file (all JS/CSS/HTML files provided) which you can then modify further to meet your requirements, before publishing it to the Windows 8 App Store.


Hope this adds a bit more colour to what ZipApp is trying to do! :-)





Wrote a fix for this (sits inside doTwitterUpdate in provider.js, after if(user) {...} block:




if ((user == null) || (user == ""))

     user = "#";

search = search.trim();




As in the case of @astonmartin, user = "from:astonmartin" and search = "",

but in the case of #astonmartin, user = "" and search = " astonmartin".


Hope this helps!