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convert to c#

Hafiz Faraz Mukhtar 10 років тому 0
how I can download source code in C# instead of html,css and js

download XAML

v76yo 11 років тому оновлений 11 років тому 2

I don't know if this has been posted already. Apologizes if so...

In windows phone app studio you actually can get an .xap file and install it in your wp8

WIll you guys do something similar? that could be awesome! So I don't need to get a w8 64 copy and VS...I'm on a mac and I also wont need any virtual machine if this happens.


enable html coding

Nelson O Asegiemhe 10 років тому 0

Downloading needs to be simpler

Joshua DeLaughter 10 років тому оновлено Saurabh Gayali 9 років тому 3
When I click, download for phone, it downloads a .zip file to my computer or phone. (depending on which I'm using) Great. What do I do from here? How do I get my custom app onto my phone? Help doesn't help.

Provide UI to set font colour and opacity of background

Tim Brassey 11 років тому оновлено martinbeeby 11 років тому 0

It would be great to be able to set the background.png within ZipApp and change its opacity (otherwise you can manipulate an image in PowerPoint to make it "whiter").  Also the grey font is not very readable on anything other than a very white background.  It would be great to be able to set font colour to black.  Finally the Group Titles should be a slightly larger font.

martinbeeby 11 років тому

We have worked on this... But still haven't added it. We will look at this someday I promise.


Facebook messages not displayed in full

Kristina Rothe 11 років тому оновлено martinbeeby 11 років тому 0

When I embed a facebook page, its updates aren't shown in full on their respective detail pages... nor can I click on them to access their content in the browser. For long entries, this is a bit unfortunate...

also, contained links are not clickable. :(

martinbeeby 11 років тому

I will look into seeming how we can improve this now that we have deleivered the new version of ZipApp.


download source in c#

andre bloemenkamp 10 років тому 0
On the first page, it says the code is extensible and downloadable in HTML and C#. It looks like this should be HTML and Javascript, which is a shame because i prefer XAML and C#

Please add App Preview

Trung Le Thanh 11 років тому 0

Please add App Preview (emulator) that we can see app look like when it running


Integrate a Instagram photo feed

Julian Reiche 10 років тому 0
It would be great to integrate a Instagram photo feed exactly like the Twitter feed.


An error occurred while processing your request.

DAFlippers 11 років тому оновлено martinbeeby 11 років тому 5

Simple Application with RSS feeds won't download. 



An error occurred while processing your request.





martinbeeby 11 років тому

You can now test RSS feeds using the preview button. You should no longer get an error on download. If you have a valid RSS feed and are still having issues, post a link to the feed and we can work out if there is a bug. The most common RSS bug we run into is site authors adding additional, unexpected fields to the RSS feed.