Your comments

The solution is to rename the file 'appData.js' to 'appData.json' and update the file reference in 'provider.js' (line 167) from "/js/appData.js" to "/js/appData.json"

The default layout works best with landscape images.

However you can choose a different display style to suit your images in the 'App.xaml'


Under 'Static Items' code section:

Change 'Image' attribute Stretch="Uniform" to





Or you may adjust the Width or Height to exactly match your image dimensions - just be sure to test on all 3 phone resolutions.


With regards to the missing content are you talking about the list view or it's detail page (the page that opens once you select the item)? Also what text inputs have you filled in for the Article? It works best if your fill them all in, although the rich text (html) is not essential for a Phone app.


What browser are you using? Older versions of Firefox don't work.

Try using latest version, or IE10+. You should be able to select a YouTube playlist?