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Kristina:- The phone application implements its own get method to update the twitter feed which is called on load and on refresh.  A few weeks ago I did a bit of testing with some twitter feeds in the store application.  I think the get method on the store application only gets tweets within a certain time frame.  If there haven't been many recent tweets the store application will not appear to show them. This may have changed.

Rezwan:- The windows 8 phone application was made to run in VS 2012. Have you downloaded the phone SDK? What version of  VS2012 and Windows 8 are you using?  The Phone emulator only runs on Windows 8 Pro or higher. 

Is this with a phone app or store application?  I believe the phone application will look for an update on entering the application after it has been terminated.  There is also a refresh button in the application bar of the phone app which will refresh all the content, apart from static items, as long as there is a net connection.    

You should be using the Facebook page name  For example, troggsdotcom NOT https://www.facebook.com/troggsdotcom or https://en-gb.facebook.com/troggsdotcom or any other Facebook url.  Note the Facebook page must be public; try viewing the page in your browser without being logged in to Facebook and make sure you can actually view the content of the page.  If you are forced to log in to view the content of the Facebook page ZipApp will not get the content.

If you are creating many apps you may want to take a copy of the packages folder after unblocking the dlls. When you download and extract a new phone app replace the packages folder with the packages folder than already has the dlls unblocked.  A quick fix which is useful if you are making more than a couple of apps.

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